Bucket List for Giving Back

This holiday season, I want to inspire a Bucket List of Giving Back.  In light of Friday’s tragic events in Newtown, CT, I think it’s more important than ever to think of ways to help others and support your community.

My Give Back Bucket List:


1. Help out at a soup kitchen on a holiday.

2.  Learn to be a grief counselor.

3.  Donate blood at least twice a year.

American Red Cross

4.  Donate more than $10 to a charity.  For example:

Heifer International

5.  Volunteer time to a disaster relief effort.

6.  Help build a home with Habitat for Humanity

7. Volunteer with a local clean up.

8.  Volunteer at the Assisted Living facility where I used to work.

Village Crossings

9.  Hold a bottle drive for a local charity.

10.  Do something like this on my 30th bday:

32 Acts of Kindness

11.  Be a Girl Scout Leader or help with a local troop

Girl Scouts of America

12.  Help out at the food pantry down the road.

Cumberland Food Bank

13.  Help a random charity here:

Donors Choose

What will be on your list?
